Layoff Survivor Syndrome

Friday, April 17, 2009

“If I hear ‘At least you have a job’ one more time, I’m going to physically injure someone,” said a 45-year-old software engineer at a Northern California firm who didn't want to be named for fear of further jeopardizing her job. “Yes, you still have a paycheck coming in, but sometimes I wonder if it’s worth the stress.”

“You have to keep proving yourself over and over again. You have to prove your existence.”

This article from MSNBC says it all.

I am beginning to think that having a job during this economic time is like playing Red Rover - at least for those of us who were not always chosen first. I used to think that it was the opposite of playing Red Rover, where the weakest were chosen first and the strongest chosen last, but now I'm beginning to wonder. It feels a lot like it used to, playing that game as a child. These things race through my mind all day, every day:

"Will I be next?"

"What do I need to do to ensure that doesn't happen?"

"I will not lose my dignity - I'm not an effing slave."

"I will do whatever it takes - my home and well being - along with that of my family - are on the line."

"I don't know why they got rid of the guy in the Art Department. I mean, at least he was a real artist - I'm not."

"How are we going to make it after taking a pay cut? Well, at least I have a job...right? Could be worse..."

"I need to spend my evenings and weekends building up a Plan B, just in case."

"I need to spend my evenings and weekends with my family - we need some fun and relaxation."

"If I don't spend evenings and weekends working, I will be that much farther behind."

It seems to never end.

Just finished a popcorn dinner and so now I'm going to sit around wondering what's wrong with me and how I can fix it and wonder if my name will be called on Monday or not. Or if anyone's name will be called. And maybe try to focus on a sit-com.

by Still Employed at  | 


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